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South African Pharmacist’s Assistant (SAPA) is the official mouthpiece of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA). SAPA is aimed at pharmacist’s assistants (PAs) who have undergone formal basic and post-basic training and who are registered with the South African Pharmacy Council. PAs work under close supervision of the pharmacist and are trained to advise the public on all self-medication issues. They are allowed to dispense schedule 0-2 medicines or so-called over the counter preparations in South Africa. SAPA provides the PA with the necessary clinical as well as drug information in order to advise customers on the prudent use and limitations of self-medication. Clear guidelines are given as to when self-medication is appropriate and when medical attention may be necessary. The PA also assists the pharmacist in other pharmaceutical functions like stock taking, storing of medicines, preparing and mixing medicines and filling scripts under the pharmacist’s supervision. The content of the journal is seasonal to closely reflect what is happening in the pharmacy.
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