by Chandré Blignaut | Oct 18, 2019 | Featured, News, SAFP, SAJAA, WHSA
Paying homage to SA’s doctors on National Doctors’ Day South Africa is in the midst of a healthcare crisis. A severely strained public healthcare system and the implications of the Medical Schemes Act and the NHI, could see many of South Africa’s doctors being...
by Chandré Blignaut | Oct 3, 2019 | Featured, News, SAFP, SAJAA
Healthcare company partners with Department of Health to provide South Africans with access to innovative healthcare Roche South Africa delivers healthcare to over 600 000 South Africans in five years Johannesburg, South Africa, 03 October 2019: Roche South...
by Chandré Blignaut | Sep 19, 2019 | Featured, Journals, News, SAFP, SAJAA
Getting to grips with occurrence-based professional indemnity cover South Africans are becoming increasingly aware of their rights when it comes to medical malpractice, explaining some of the increases in the number and size of claims against doctors. Taking...
by Chandré Blignaut | Sep 18, 2019 | Featured, News, SAFP, SAJAA, SAJGO, WHSA
Will NHI worsen SA’s medico-legal nightmare? How a medical malpractice public/private partnership can reduce State’s medico-legal exposure and improve health care outcomes. With the draft NHI bill silent on an estimated R98 billion in state medico-legal claims, public...
by Chandré Blignaut | Sep 10, 2019 | Featured, JEMDSA, News, PNT, SAFP, SAJAA, SAPJ, WHSA
Medical industry duty of care: onerous, but necessary A recent study on the state of medical waste management in rural South Africa has revealed that areas of the country are underprepared to deal with multiple forms of potentially-hazardous materials. If left...
by Chandré Blignaut | Aug 30, 2019 | Featured, JEMDSA, News, SAFP, SAJAA, SAJCN, SAJGO, SAJS, WHSA
Systems harm patients more than doctors Hospital Association of South Africa A culture of “name, blame and shame,” in medicine drastically reduces the potential for system changes to improve patient safety, the Hospital Association of South Africa’s...